Saturday, October 27, 2012

Data Downloader

Data Downloader downloads Intraday stock quotes and EOD stock quotes from different free sources. Currently Data Downloader supports data from the following sources:

   Google Intraday Stock Quotes Backfill
Data Downloader is perhaps the first software to download one minute intraday stock quotes from Google. Google supports a whole lot of exchanges from NSE to FTSE to NYSE and many more. The data integity of google stock data is extemely good and should be the first choice for your stock data requirement.

   Yahoo Intraday Stock Quotes Backfill
Data Downloader downloads Intraday stock quotes from Yahoo too. Yahoo supports exchanges from Brazil to Japan and more than 50 exchanges in between. So be sure to check for the foreign exchanges you want to track.

  MCX EOD Futures Data
You won't find many softwares downloading data for MCX. With Data Downloader you can download Bhavcopies from MCX. Currently Data Downloader appends data for the Near Month contracts.

   NSE EOD Stock Data (Bhavcopy and Indices)
Data Downloader also downloads the Bhavcopy and the Indices stock quotes from National Stock Exchange (NSE).

There are many software's which downloads the bhavcopy from NSE. But what makes Data Downloader special is, it appends only what is relevant and discards all redundant data. Data Downloader downloads only the EQ and BE series data and if both EQ and BE series data for a particular script is present, then Data Downloader appends only the EQ series data. This is where other software fails to deliver. Besides Data Downloader also calculates and appends the Advance Decline data. This data is very helpful as the same is not readily available.

   NSE Futures and Options Data
Download NSE Futures and Options data with Data Downloader. Data for the Near Month and the Next Month contracts are appended only. Each NSE Futures Bhavcopies are in excess of 1 MB in size so do take care while downloading data for multiple days. 

The data downloaded by Data Downloader can be extensively customized and thus can be fed virtually to any charting software from MetaStock to AmiBroker to NinjaTrader to FCharts and the list goes on. Data Downloader is extremely user-friendly and users will find no difficulty at all running the software. 

Data Downloader is built on .Net framework. If you don't have .Net framework installed download and install it from here 

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