Wednesday, November 21, 2012




Following is only Previous day HIGH - LOW Strategy & believe its WORKS!                   

1 ]  If your position is in BUY side, then previous day LOW will be your stop loss, if your position is in SELL side, then previous day HIGH will be your stop loss,  
                                                                                                                                                                                                      2 ] If you buy 1 lot nifty your stop loss is 2 lot nifty, and then continue 2 lot nifty stop loss order placing, every time your 1 lot nifty position open in market buy side or sale side it’s depend.                       

3 ] Every day you have to place only stop loss order, no intra day trading,                                  previous day's high-low will be your stop loss, if any day previous day high and low both are break then you have to change your trade as per direction.                                                                     

4 ] Stop loss hit every 3rd and 4th day , you may face some little bit loss , but you following trend, you can achieve big rally in market,                  

5 ] If your position is in BUY side , and next day market open in maximum down condition (break 3- 4 days low ), book your loss ,  will have no choice in such conditions, but frankly speaking this type case happen rarely, in such conditions you have to Consider “M TO M “ loss.                                 

6] Follow this strategy in equity (cash / future / option) & commodity                         

7] If market break previous HIGH = market positive direction,  if market break previous LOW = market negative direction, only follow market trend. In choppy market stop loss hit maximum time but it is big move intimation.                        

8] This strategy work for NIFTY, BANK-NIFTY  RELIANCE SBIN (high volume & trendy stock) only for future trading.                                                                       

9] In cash market trading you receive BUY SIDE PROFIT = ONE SIDE PROFIT, According to me Intraday selling is not preferably                   

10] Strategy works! Only you must have patience & believe.                                           

For strategy requirement – 

1] DOUBLE SPAN MARGIN,              
2] MINIMUM 3 MONTH RESULT TIME,             
3] MONTHLY 10% - 20% PROFIT/LOSS ACEPTENCE,            
4] patience  & belive.              

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1 comment:

  1. but when u book profit? ...i think it works well for bank nifty ;never backtested this..


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