Saturday, October 20, 2012

Killer Mistakes due to trading intraday or position in markets

  1. Always entering the market against the Trend.
  2. Entering the market in the direction of the trend when its too late.
  3. While losing, increasing the positions in the same direction.
  4. Trading addiction and trading by feelings.
  5. Stop-loss orders too close or too far.
  6. Take-profit orders too close or too far.
  7. Learning from the past mistakes and then making a bigger mistake.
  8. Loving our trades and bias for the figures.
  9. Trading too big for your account size.
  10. Varying the position size of your trades.
  11. Not looking at the both at the long-term and short-term picture of the market.
  12. Not using the stop-loss order- THE ULTIMATE KILLER (you can do all mistakes and still survive but you do this and you have invited the death of your account).

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